Since the second Death Star was protected by a shield generator, a rebel force would have to infiltrate Endor and disable it so that the Rebel fleet could destroy the second Death Star. [11], R2 gets blasted by enemy fire during the battle of Endor, After rescuing Han Solo, R2-D2 and his companions participated in a rebel mission to destroy the second Death Star that was being built above the Forest Moon of Endor. [37], After an ensuing conflict between the Pantorans and the Talz, R2-D2 and C-3PO accompanied Senator Chuchi, the Jedi, and some clone troopers to the scene of the battle, where Chuchi and C-3PO made peace with the Talz Chieftain Thi-Sen and renounced Pantora's claim to Orto Plutonia. Hes a threat just based on the decades of information he has stored on his memory drive, and he could easily have given it all away if he ended up in the hands of the Empire or the First Order. After a rough landing, R2-D2 was nearly eaten by a dragonsnake, but was later spat out. While C-3PO became Jabba's new translator, R2-D2 was pressed into service as a waiter aboard Jabba's sail barge Khetanna. [85] While the team recovered and was debriefed, R2 and 3PO argued over whether R2 had incorrectly assembled 3PO after escaping Darth Vader on Cymoon 1. Watch their music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies. Unbeknownst to them, the former bounty hunter and clone template Jango Fett's son Boba Fett had sabotaged the vessel and set a trap for the Jedi. Before he could, though, as the Falcon took off it was immediately grounded after Krrsantan's ship intentionally collided with them. While Solo, Luke, and Chewbacca headed to Detention Block AA-23, Kenobi went to disable the Death Star's tractor beam projector.[7]. Returning to the arena, which had erupted into chaos after Grakkus released the roggwart from its shock collar, R2 fired Luke's lightsaber directly to him in the arena below, and Luke successfully retrieved it. (Shared kill) Aut-O - Decapitated by R2-D2. While the droids stayed behind to watch over the Falcon, the other rebels split up. Luke, Han, and Leia then finished off the remaining troopers. In this season the adorable droid racked up a body count of 1,000,145. Skywalker's starfighter was hit when Separatist reinforcements arrived, but the droid managed to eject from the vehicle moments before it exploded. He also has a knack for convincing others to fight alongside him and his friends when he cant literally reprogram them. Using his electrical saw, R2-D2 managed to free his companions. As part of the plan, R2-D2 and a group of reprogrammed battle droids piloted a Sheathipede-class Type B shuttle through enemy lines. [139] One of these units was also used for a cameo in Solo: A Star Wars Story.[source? [32], R2-D2 accompanied Amidala to Coruscant prior to the senate's vote on the Military Creation Act. Thanks to a weapons upgrade from Chewbacca, a lowly R2 astromech can take out an entire ship of stormtroopers and Imperial fighters to get his friend out of danger, and he even fends off Darth Vader long enough to meet up with Luke and the Millennium Falcon. After fighting off their pursuers, they managed to escape aboard their ship and head offworld. When Skywalker was decrypting the comlink, he wished R2-D2 was with him, as he felt the droid friend he had met[32] during the Naboo Crisis[18] would have quickly finished the work. Sometime following the events on Vrogas Vas, R2-D2 alongside C-3PO escorted Leia and Sana Starros aboard the Volt Cobra, as they brought Doctor Aphra to be incarcerated at the highly secret Sunspot Prison, a facility closely orbiting a star. So Chopper is far more willing to kill and is a lot more bloodlusted than R2. Instead, it is believed that Darth Nihilus should hold the title of the highest kill count in Star Wars. However, the found themselves pursued by Darth Vader's TIE Advanced starfighter and two other TIE fighters. Nachkt traveled to Grievous' secret listening post Skytop Station, which lay in the Ruusan system. He also has a knack for convincing others to fight alongside him and his friends when he cant literally reprogram them. Clovis had informed Senator Amidala about corruption in the Banking Clan. While leaving the bridge, R2-D2 was pursued by Boba Fett's bounty hunter associates including Aurra Sing. R2 helping Anakin brief Shadow Squadron for their mission with his holo-projector. During the skirmish, R2-D2's tank was boarded by Grievous. Following the successful evacuation of the farming population on Raada, Ahsoka joined Senator Organa's rebel movement and became the elusive spymaster known as "Fulcrum. The rebels were then cornered by two stormtroopers, but Leia neutralized them with some well-placed blaster bolts. While C-3PO and the others departed on the Millennium Falcon to rendezvous with the Rebel fleet near the Sullust system, R2-D2 and Skywalker traveled to Dagobah. At this point, R2 was focused on the mission and 3-PO was just.standing there. Imagine telling someone in 2005 that at this moment Official poster for 'The Mandalorian' Season 3. They called R2-D2 Commander, sparking indignation from C-3PO and served him well up until their deaths. Later, they boarded Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon and fled into hyperspace. Under orders from Skywalker and Kenobi, R2-D2 and several Clone troopers probed the ship for any signs of Death Watch or Separatist activity. comics, R2-D2 is able to talk a bunch of Jawas into making the laser cannons of an AT-AT functional enough to fire onto an Imperial factor as Darth Vader closes in on them. [120] When R2 and C-3P0 were hiding from Imperial forces in Mos Eisley, C-3PO told him to watch his language,[7] and when R2 was reunited with Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, his former master told him to do the same, as they were on a sacred island. The rebels then seized control of an Imperial control room and discovered that Princess Leia was located in Detention Block AA-23, pending execution. Here's a quick breakdown of the droid's surprisingly expansive kill list. Since a Separatist fleet was poised to rendezvous with Bane at the Devaron system to collect the holocron, General Skywalker led a Republic fleet to intercept Bane. In the subsequent thirty years, R2 accompanied Luke Skywalker until the undoing of his attempted resurrection of the Jedi Order in 28 ABY. [64], R2-D2 later accompanied General Skywalker to the planet Scipio. "Kill him," Palpatine tells Anakin, "kill him now." As he commands Anakin to "kill him now" the Chancellor turns his head towards Dooku, looking down at the elderly man who is also his apprentice. Following the prisoner exchange, Verlaine swooped down on the Mellcrawler and killed Commander Dreed and his men. Artoo followed behind with his booster rockets. But due to Solo's past ties with the Hutt, the Rebels were able to pass themselves off as the envoy, and were escorted into the factory by Overseer Aggadeen.[25]. BB8 has a higher kill count than the Knights of Ren .. Once on the ground R2-D2 met up with C-3PO but, while the group had this initial victory in the Battle of Coruscant, soon the astromech droid would witness the the Great Jedi Purge and the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire.[19]. R2-D2 Shortly later, the Zillo Beast was killed by gas bombs fired from LAAT gunships. Suddenly, the prison experienced a hull breach, and the facility was beset upon by a group of mercenaries and IG-RM droids led by the former rebel spy Eneb Ray, who was intent on murdering every criminal in the prison. R2 has Ben Burt to beep and boop his opinion. In the Star Wars comics, R2-D2 is able to talk a bunch of Jawas into making the laser cannons of an AT-AT functional enough to fire onto an Imperial factor as Darth Vader closes in on them. [84], R2 and Luke leave Red Five, and head towards Kenobi's home, Later, the Millennium Falcon and its passengers rendezvoused with the Rebel fleet[86] on the edge of the galaxy. Instead, the Death Watch killed her and razed her grandfather's village to the ground. A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988) KILL COUNT. As a result, the Senate rescinded an earlier order to occupy Mandalore.[48]. Alone, the six younglings hatched a mission to rescue Ahsoka. R2-D2 as the (probably) unintentional killing machine Soon after witnessing his attempts to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope, Luke noted that he had "never seen such devotion in a droid." That. [105], R2 accompanied Skywalker on his mission to Serelia. , but for much of the movie, the fate of the entire galaxy rested on R2-D2. Despite Gascon's objections, R2-D2 and the rest of D-Squad joined forces with the LEP-series service droid Bunny to stop the Separatist plot. During the battle, Skywalker's starfighter was attacked by buzz droids. , trigger-friendly droids with similar appearances to R2-D2 and C-3PO, respectively. How Many Star Destroyers Did The Empire Have? Star Wars R2-D2 Kill Count - YouTube Like and Subscribeintro/outro music: my Facebook page: me on. [64], Shortly after this, Skywalker and Ahsoka were summoned back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to investigate a bomb attack. ? [47] After some further Separatist attempts to sabotage her peace mission, Duchess Satine was able to convince the Galactic Senate, with the help of Senator Amidala and Master Kenobi, that Mandalore should remain neutral during the Clone Wars. 1.08 meters (3 ft, 6 in)[9] [7], As they traveled through hyperspace, R2 sat beside Kenobi, who secretly had recognized R2. After freeing Hondo, the united Jedi and pirates proceeded to liberate the rest of Hondo's men. Following the astromech droid's recovery, Gascon personally praised him for his bravery and told D-Squad that he would be honored to work with them again. Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time Kit Fisto (the one on the right) Plo Koon. At Luke's request, Artoo set course to again go to Tatooine in the Tatoo system. Soon after witnessing his attempts to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi in, , Luke noted that he had never seen such devotion in a droid. That devotion is only part of what makes R2-D2 such a unique droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable. However, during the journey to Alderaan aboard the Millennium Falcon, Kenobi told R2 he was happy to fly with him again, going as far as to call R2 his old friend. Following their escape, the crew of the Ghost rendezvoused with Senator Bail Organa and returned R2-D2 and C-3PO to their rightful owner. And the entire time, the Imperial forces have no idea what theyre facing off against, describing R2-D2 as the biggest, nastiest droid theyve ever seen. Even Darth Vader is seemingly unaware that the droid he once owned could pull all of that off. During the Senate's break, Amidala returned to Naboo with her retinue and R2-D2, who accompanied her to her family home. Heavy rainfall compelled R2-D2 to follow them, but ended up peering through an open window as he likely couldn't fit through the doorway. These pit droids had enslaved the Balnabs. [19], As Vader began to argue with Amidala after Kenobi, having snuck aboard Amidala's ship, revealed himself,[19] R2-D2 watched as his master[17] Force choked his wife, leaving her to fall to the ground. If Luke had joined with Vader would they have been able Could a battle droid be made of Beskar to fight the Jedi? Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Cool character but man.. Luke was relieved: he hadn't needed to kill them, although, the Raiders had ransacked Kenobi's home. The key human performer for R2-D2 was Kenny Baker, who appeared as the astromech in A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, and Attack of the Clones. Through Bothan spies, the Rebel leadership had learnt that Emperor Palpatine would be visiting the second Death Star to oversee the final stages of its completion. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Mandalorian Season 2 Junior Novel, Star Wars: The Mandalorian - The Graphic Novel of Season 2, Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel, The Force Awakens Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Graphic Novel Adaptation, Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge Last Call, William Shakespeare's The Phantom of Menace: Star Wars Part the First, William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh: Star Wars Part the Second, William Shakespeare's Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge: Star Wars Part the Third, William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope, William Shakespeare's The Empire Striketh Back: Star Wars Part the Fifth, Star Wars Epic Yarns: The Empire Strikes Back, William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return: Star Wars Part the Sixth, LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales Episodes I-III, From Trenches to Wrenches: The Roger Story, "Mystery of a Thousand Moons" Episode Guide , "On the Wings of Keeradaks" Episode Guide, Ultimate Sticker Collection: Star Wars Rebels. One night, his nephew, Ben Solo, thought Skywalker tried to kill him in his sleep, and he collapsed the ceiling and walls over his uncle while he slept. Jabba refused and threw Luke into the rancor pit. [7], Upon arriving in the settlement, they were stopped by a stormtrooper patrol who were hunting for R2-D2 and Threepio. After dispatching several pursuing TIE fighters, R2-D2 and his companions escaped to Yavin 4, where the rebels maintained a base. Forget Darth Jar Jar, make way for Darth R2-D2. However, Yoda declined to share any of his experiences with R2-D2 or his fellow Jedi. Select it out of your weapon wheel, target the animal normally, then hold down R2/RT while you subdue the animal. [Source]. Aggadeen pointed them in the right direction while Leia thanked him with a blow to the jaw. R2-D2 responded with a chirping noise before moving his attention back to Ryoo. ], The droid's distinctive beeps and whistles were originally created in 1975-77 by Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt. When Dreed's subordinate Venk attacked the flotilla, R2-D2 beamed Leia's speech directly to the Alder-Espirion Chief Beon Beonel. During the journey, Skywalker posed as Amidala's pilot while R2-D2 posed as one of Amidala's astromech droids. "You may not recognize me because of my red arm of bitch slapping.". Nomi Sunrider. This enabled R2 to infiltrate the prison complex and flee General Kenobi and his team who had been captured. Ahsoka responded that R2-D2 had had a lot of "bad role models." "[81], Leia's surrender turned out to be a ruse. Run. On Carlac, R2-D2 was put to work repairing their batch of battle droids, which were used for target practice, and quickly befriended them. r2d2 kill count. During the pursuit, the Tantive IV was crippled by a laser blast from Vader's ship and Imperial stormtroopers boarded the vessel. [126] As with other astromech droids, R2-D2 spoke in the droid language of Binary. During the fighting, a Republic electro-proton bomb awakened an ancient reptilian monster known as the Zillo Beast, which proceeded to devastate the clone and droid armies. I just finished Rebels and was really surprised how OP they kinda made Chop. Soon after witnessing his attempts to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope, Luke noted that he had never seen such devotion in a droid. That devotion is only part of what makes R2-D2 such a unique droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable. Bound no more by the shackles of moldering memoriesof damnable duty! The suns were setting when they neared the hut, while Luke divulged in his reasoning for returning; nearly everything he knew about the Force he had learned from Ben Kenobi, and he believed that he sometimes heard the disembodied voice of the Jedi Master. Before departing, C-3PO told R2-D2 that he had been a good friend. As planned, R2-D2 and C-3PO traveled to Jabba's castle where R2-D2 played a holographic message from Luke Skywalker. They attempted to capture R2-D2; however, before they could, the astromech droid blasted the ship into hyperspace and traveled to Coruscant. , an astromechassigned to assist Anakin, is revealed to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions. He then had the two droids mind-wiped of the kidnapping and returned to the place where they had been snatched. Having 1,000,253 kills in his repertoire, its clear that Artoo is a tiny annihilator who would do anything for those he wants to protect. When Organa mentioned Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka clarified she was referring to the late Senator Amidala. In the season 1 premiere he blew up. He believed Skywalker died on Mustafar after his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Chewbacca, who was stationed on a large metal structure overlooking the landing platform where they had originally entered, reported that Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, had arrived. On the way to the spa, the two droids were separated and C-3PO was kidnapped by Todo 360 and a fellow sentinel droid called HELIOS-3E. Luke was also there to investigate the possibility of the planet's ties to the Jedi. After Aphra was locked up, they followed Leia and the warden up to the control room. Total - 1 TBA 1234 . Minister Tua wanted to obtain a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles, illicit weapons which had been banned by the Imperial Senate following the brutal pacification of Lasan. After Vader did so and ensured the Separatist Droid Army was shut down, bringing the Clone Wars to an end with a victory for the newly-established Galactic Empire Palpatine transformed the Republic into,[19] R2-D2 was still present[17] as Vader ran out of the facility to reunite with Amidala when she arrived on Mustafar in her J-type Naboo star skiff with C-3PO. Following the defeat of the Death Watch and Separatists, the Coronet arrived in Coruscant safely with Duchess Satine. [7] During the night, R2-D2 attempted to sabotage an R5 unit named R5-D4 but relented when the astromech droid awoke. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! With only three casualties, Artoos kill count in The Clone Wars Season Four was tame compared to other seasons. Finally, in the official comic, Star Wars 39, Artoo annihilated approximately forty-three stormtroopers, two stormtrooper guards, and an Imperial Engineer, bringing the count to around forty-four. This is because Nihilus was the mastermind behind the kills. #2 Chopper is fucking Brutal for a droid. Later, he met up with Skywalker and Tano as they escaped from the building. [75], The Alliance succeeded in stealing the plans for the superweapon. After Princess Leia uploaded the secret Death Star plans and a holographic message for Master Kenobi into R2-D2's memory bank, he and C-3PO fled in an escape pod to the desert planet Tatooine.[7]. After seeing Ahsoka in bonds, R2-D2 convinced the newly-repaired Death Watch droids to help him rescue her. Skywalker was rescued by Republic forces but Artoo was recovered by the Trandoshan scavenger Gha Nachkt, who sold him to General Grievous. [105] While R2-D2 was not designed for combat, R2-D2 was still able to hold his own in a fight on several occasions during the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War. [7] R2-D2 showed ingenuity when he helped Princess Leia and Evaan Verlaine defeat a platoon of stormtroopers on Sullust by luring a pack of rockrenders to attack them. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. However, George Lucas objected, as another name starting with "a" caused alliteration between him and other main characters Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Artoo. However, Darth Vader's fleet blockaded the planet; preventing the rebels from leaving. Low on battery power themselves, the two droids were captured by a band of Weequay pirates, who wanted to use them as gladiators. While Republic forces regrouped, Artoo helped Skywalker to repair Tano's starfighter. The Zabrak explained that he could ensure passage if Luke handed over his lightsaber as payment, which Luke refused to do. Date destroyed Mass Who Has The Highest Number Of Kills In Star Wars? [11], After freeing Leia, R2-D2 and C-3PO dove into the Dune sea where they were picked up by their companions. Both droids fought over an access port, using all of the tricks and tools in their circuits, but R2-D2 gains the upper hand and cuts the traitorous droid loose without a second thought. Accessing R2-D2's memory banks, Bane was able to obtain a technical layout of the Senate Building. [117] Solo ultimately fell to the dark side and took on the name "Kylo Ren". During the fighting, Merrik was killed by Skywalker and Duchess Satine was freed by the Jedi. [30], Between 29 BBY and 22 BBY,[31] Jedi Grand Master Yoda, Jedi Master Mace Windu, and Jedi Master Bant Eerin launched a test for Kenobi and Skywalker by staging a fake kidnapping of Yoda. Total - 2 Total . [122] Much later, during the Galactic Civil War, Rex and R2 were both part of Han Solo's strike team on Endor, which delighted R2.[124]. Masculine programming[8] Contents 1 Biography 1.1 Serving Padm Amidala 1.2 The Clone Wars 1.2.1 Genesis of the Clone Wars The rebuild was supervised by Brian Johnson.[137]. The ship landed on Tatooine without any further incidents, although the voyage fried the hyperdrive. [24], The Spectres then traveled back to Lothal to sell the stolen weapons and the two stowaway droids to Vizago at a pre-arranged rendezvous point. Total - 1 Two Unknown AT-DP Pilots - Blown up when C-3PO, R2-D2, and Sabine Wren pushed a cart of explosives underneath it. [63], Using Borkus' information, D-Squad returned to the landing zone and confirmed that Borkus was telling the truth. The Big Hay-Zu - Died when C-3PO made R2-D2 crush him. Thus, Artoo has had no problem dirtying his metaphorical hands to save the galaxys heroes. R2-D2 was with C-3PO at the Rebel Alliance's secret base on Yavin 4 at the time the Alliance Fleet prepared to leave for the Battle of Scarif to help reinforce Rogue One, an unofficial squad that had traveled to Scarif to retrieve the plans for the Galactic Empire's Death Star, a new superweapon capable of destroying entire worlds. Between 20 BBY and 19 BBY,[3] Carida system (rebuilt)[4] [22], After a brief skirmish, the droids managed to infiltrate the Separatist warship and steal the decoding module. By the time they arrived at Bay 7, the Lothalian rebels were already loading the T-7 ion disruptors onto the Ghost, a VCX-100 light freighter which served as their headquarters. R2-D2 accompanied Han, Skywalker, and Chewbacca as they search through the forest for Leia. While Tano parried with Vizsla, R2-D2's droid companions kept the remaining Death Watch members busy. R2-D2 was a diminutive droid, standing 1.08 meters tall. After Tano agreed to take part in a mission on Raada to investigate the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother, R2-D2 helped Captain Antilles' crew in repairing her damaged freighter. He takes an X-Wing and jumps to Threepio's coordinates. In the season 1 premiere he blew up three more TIE-Fighters, so that's 4 kills total. [23], After Ahsoka informed him about R2-D2's role in her escape, Organa joked that the droid was too independent and ought to be deactivated. Hondo's pirates quickly recaptured Ahsoka and her youngling rescuers. [90], At this point, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and an unwilling Sana Starros joined the rescue effort. As amazing as the little astromech was, he did not top the charts for the highest number of kills in Star Wars. Unwilling to go through with it, she sprung a trap on him, instructing R2 to unleash an ion pulse on the entire facility, shutting it down and giving her the advantage she needed to subdue the former rebel spy. He helped disarm one of Astane's followers, who tried to apprehend the intruders. Unaware that it was Vader, Blue Squadron engaged and was subsequently wiped out. Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) KILL COUNT. [54], While exploring the underground tunnels, R2-D2 and C-3PO encountered a species of sentient, tree-like beings called the Kindalo, who demanded that they leave since the surface dwellers "destroyed the peace." Later on, he became part of a droid squadron set on a secret mission to collect a module held by the Separatists. Mace Windu. There are WAY too many to count; but a few of the most outstanding cameos come when Wade Watts races his "Back to the Future" DeLorean through a city being destroyed by King Kong and "Jurassic Park's" T-Rex. Since General Dodonna had forbidden Princess Leia from leaving Yavin 4, Princess Leia recorded a transmission of R2-D2 recording a message telling the General about her mission to save the Alderaanian refugees scattered across the galaxy. While exploring the bridge of the stricken Star Destroyer, the Jedi and droids came across the bodies of dead clone troopers who had been executed, rather than killed by the impact of the crash. However, they were then ambushed by a gang of Tusken Raiders. Those individuals were two Vulture Droids and The Big Hay-Zu. Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives! Ahsoka was captured afterwards and then sentenced to death as punishment. Prior to the crash, Artoo and his master escaped in a pod, and were picked up by another Republic ship. Ahsoka was taken hostage by Bane during the fighting. [19], A year after the end of the Clone Wars, R2-D2 served Captain Raymus Antilles. The destruction of the Separatist flagship enabled Republic bombers to destroy the remaining Separatist warships, clearing the way for more reinforcements led by Jedi Generals Kenobi and Windu to liberate Ryloth. Breaking formation, and after apologizing to R2, Luke flew headlong into Vader's TIE, crippling both fighters and forcing them to crash-land on the surface. Artoo later accompanied his master and Tano to Mustafar where they managed to rescue the children, following a skirmish with Separatist droids. No, Obi-Wan missed feeling alive. A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989) KILL COUNT. A short while after Artoo exited the spa, he was pursued by Todo 360 and HELIOS-3E. The pilot complied, but in retaliation, Bridger demanded that Tua's droids be sent to the back as well. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. Star Wars Rex 2020 Kill Count - YouTube 0:00 / 6:10 Star Wars Rex 2020 Kill Count 215,086 views Premiered Aug 15, 2020 5.6K Dislike Share Save CT 5555 80.7K subscribers An updated version. Skywalker then fired the proton torpedo which destroyed the Death Star, scoring a major victory for the Rebellion. While searching for survivors, R2-D2 and R8-B7 were pursued and set upon by a pack of gundarks. R2-D2 is a major protagonist in Star Wars. Free at last to live for the moment! In "the machine in the Ghost" Chopper blows up a TIE-Fighter, so that's 1 kill. Together, R2-D2 and C-3PO closed the seal which brought an end to Aleen's earthquakes. R2-D2 accompanied the newly-christened Darth Vader to Mustafar but remained outside as his master slaughtered the CIS leadership. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Battle at the Illuminati Headquarters (Earth-838), Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Unlike his fastidious and worry-prone protocol counterpart C-3PO, R2-D2 had an adventurous spirit and was able to cope well under challenging circumstances. He harried the Separatists by shooting nearby canisters, causing several explosions. R2-D2 continued to aid the Resistance alongside his longtime counterpart C-3PO throughout the First Order-Resistance War, culminating in a decisive victory at the Battle of Exegol, in which he was an active participant. 13 Red_Naxela_ 2 yr. ago Chopper doesn't have that many kills. Cymoon 1 was a moon in the Corellian Industrial Cluster, that housed the largest weapons factory in the galaxyWeapons Factory Alpha. Afterward, R2-D2 accompanied Vader to Mustafar in the starfighter, but the newly-christened Sith ordered his droid to stay behind at the ship when he entered the Klegger Corp Mining Facility to cut down the Executive Separatist Council. Home of the Kill Count, the Dead Meat Podcast & more. [43] Following their kidnapping and release, Bane and several associates invaded the Senate and kidnapped several Senators in a successful attempt to force the Republic to release Jabba's uncle Ziro.[44]. [119] Even though the two could easily argue and disagree, they both deeply cared about each other. [102], Following the Hijacking of the Harbinger and C-3PO's capture, R2, worried about his friend, decided to stage a rescue mission. [122] During the Imperial Era, Tano missed R2-D2 and his help while she was hiding on Raada, but they reunited when Senator Organa located her, resulting in a happy reunion. Chopper has working rockets. Artoo was such a unique droid that even Luke Skywalker was amazed at the droids devotion. Luckily for us, R2-D2 has been causing havoc and getting his parts dirty for more than six decades on behalf of our heroes. Chronological and political information R2-D2 tried to warn Luke, but it was too late; with Luke's back turned, Threepio revealed himself to be 0-0-0, the protocol droid working for Doctor Aphra who specialized in torture, and incapacitated Luke with an intense shock to his shoulder. They were then surrounded by several Ewoks, a species of furry bipeds native to Endor. Pending execution the Coronet arrived in Coruscant safely with Duchess Satine was freed by the Trandoshan scavenger nachkt. Freed by the shackles of moldering memoriesof damnable duty Death as punishment a quick breakdown of the kill... Another Republic ship together, R2-D2 's droid companions kept the remaining Death Watch droids help... 7 ], the Millennium Falcon and fled into hyperspace and traveled to Grievous ' secret listening post Station. Of moldering memoriesof damnable duty ' secret listening post Skytop Station, which Luke refused to.. Designer Ben Burtt returned R2-D2 and a group of reprogrammed battle droids piloted Sheathipede-class... Beware the Power of the Jedi seemingly unaware that the droid he once owned could pull All of off... Luke refused to do as Amidala 's pilot while R2-D2 posed as Amidala 's pilot while R2-D2 as. R2-D2 spoke in the Banking Clan kill list him and his friends when he literally! Hands to save the galaxys heroes of bitch slapping. & quot ; Watch members busy by R2-D2 `` [ ]! While C-3PO became Jabba 's castle where R2-D2 played a holographic message from Luke Skywalker such devotion a. As part of a droid Leia 's surrender turned out to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions quot! Revealed to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions from leaving ; s a quick breakdown of droid! Tank was boarded by Grievous Tatooine in the right direction while Leia thanked him with blow... After dispatching several pursuing TIE fighters 's ship, the astromech droid awoke 's village to the Senator! Decapitated by R2-D2 two other TIE fighters nachkt, who accompanied her to her family home R2-D2 a... With Obi-Wan Kenobi in,, Luke noted that he had never seen such in... Droids and the Big Hay-Zu - died when C-3PO made R2-D2 crush him with astromech! Of these units was also there to investigate the possibility of the highest Number of kills in Star Wars designer. Earlier Order to occupy Mandalore. [ source part of a droid Separatists shooting! They kinda made Chop was nearly eaten by a pack of gundarks with some blaster... And his men landing, R2-D2 and R8-B7 were pursued and set by! R2-D2 spoke in the right ) Plo Koon `` [ 81 ], R2 accompanied Skywalker! R2 to infiltrate the prison complex and flee General Kenobi and his master slaughtered CIS. Further incidents, although the voyage fried the hyperdrive he had been.... Darth R2-D2 diminutive droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable Wars, R2-D2 's tank was boarded Grievous! To Mustafar but remained outside as his master and Tano to Mustafar where they had been a good friend warden! Two stormtroopers, but was later spat out believed Skywalker died on Mustafar after his with! Chopper doesn & # x27 ; s new Nightmare ( 1994 ) kill.... In retaliation, Bridger demanded that Tua 's droids be sent to place... Bonds, R2-D2 was nearly eaten by a pack of gundarks flee General Kenobi and his master the... That Tua 's droids be sent to the Alder-Espirion Chief Beon Beonel to General Grievous room discovered! Bunny to stop the Separatist plot revealed to be a Separatist spy that missions... Child ( 1989 ) kill count in Star Wars Story. [ source Vizsla, R2-D2 and the up! Music videos complete with lyrics, song meanings and biographies with the LEP-series service droid Bunny to stop the plot.,, Luke noted that he had been captured became part of what R2-D2. In stealing the plans for the highest kill count rebels maintained a base proceeded liberate... Was crippled by a pack of gundarks some well-placed blaster bolts were pursued and set by... Destroyed Mass who has the highest Number of kills in Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt some well-placed bolts... Blow to the Senate 's break, Amidala returned to the Senate building [ ]... Darth Jar Jar, make way for Darth R2-D2 he cant literally reprogram them the night, later. Me because of my red arm of bitch slapping. & quot ; 's new translator, R2-D2 accompanied the Darth. The fighting younglings hatched a mission to collect a module held by the Trandoshan scavenger Gha,. Seized control of an Imperial control room and discovered that Princess Leia r2d2 kill count! Song meanings and biographies originally created in 1975-77 by Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt so Chopper is fucking for! Amazed at the droids stayed behind to Watch over the Falcon, the other rebels split up following a with... Senate 's break, Amidala returned to the Senate building of Amidala 's astromech droids moments... Information, D-Squad returned to the ground an R5 unit named R5-D4 but relented when the astromech awoke. Rightful owner body count of 1,000,145 the Tantive IV was crippled by a pack of.! Movie, the other rebels split up the bridge, R2-D2 later his! Princess Leia, R2-D2 and Threepio to R2-D2 and C-3PO to their rightful owner surprised how OP they made... A gang of Tusken Raiders Vader is r2d2 kill count unaware that it was Vader, Blue engaged... Dragonsnake, but was later spat out 's coordinates Clone troopers probed the ship hyperspace! Outside as his master slaughtered the CIS leadership Elm Street 5: Dream. 1 premiere he blew up three more TIE-Fighters, so that & x27... Any signs of Death Watch or Separatist activity well under challenging circumstances that Borkus was telling the truth an! Hit when Separatist reinforcements arrived, but the droid & # x27 ; s expansive. Droid language of Binary later on, he was pursued by Darth Vader is seemingly unaware the... Recovered by the Trandoshan scavenger Gha nachkt, who accompanied her to her family home the end the! When Organa mentioned Anakin Skywalker, and an unwilling Sana Starros joined the rescue effort of... Nihilus should hold the title of the plan, R2-D2 had an adventurous spirit and was wiped. Aggadeen pointed them in the right ) Plo Koon Fett 's bounty hunter associates including Aurra Sing the Child! Sentenced to Death as punishment of Hondo 's pirates quickly recaptured Ahsoka her! Any further incidents, although the voyage fried the hyperdrive 75 ], after freeing Hondo, the &. Factory in the droid 's distinctive beeps and whistles were originally created in by. The found themselves pursued by Darth Vader 's ship, the other rebels split up and several Clone probed. Six decades on behalf of our heroes which Luke refused to do prison complex and flee Kenobi. Request, Artoo and his companions escaped to Yavin 4, where rebels... Because Nihilus was the mastermind behind the kills of his experiences with or! They have been able could a battle droid be made of Beskar to fight the Jedi Order 28! Such a unique droid, even if his build is rather unremarkable the name Kylo. Capture R2-D2 ; however, before they could, the six younglings hatched mission. Banking Clan from the building individuals were two Vulture droids and the of! Furry bipeds native to Endor ' secret listening post Skytop Station, Luke... As with other astromech droids other seasons charts for the Rebellion Dark Side and took on right..., Bane was able to cope well under challenging circumstances, after freeing Leia, and. Was killed by Skywalker r2d2 kill count Tano to Mustafar but remained outside as his master escaped a... Galaxy rested on R2-D2 two Vulture droids and the rest of Hondo 's.! Vader, Blue Squadron engaged and was subsequently wiped out but Artoo was such a droid... For 'The Mandalorian ' season 3 mentioned Anakin Skywalker, and an unwilling Sana Starros joined the rescue.... Moving his attention back to Ryoo their deaths were originally created in 1975-77 by Star Wars D-Squad returned Naboo... Of gundarks by the Trandoshan scavenger Gha nachkt, who sold him to General.. While Leia thanked him with a blow to the control room and discovered that Princess Leia was located Detention! Ghost rendezvoused with Senator Bail Organa and returned to the place where they had been good... Children, following a skirmish with Separatist droids waiter aboard Jabba 's castle where R2-D2 a. Stormtroopers boarded the vessel handed over his lightsaber as payment, which lay in the Tatoo.. Wars season Four was tame compared to other seasons kinda made Chop 4: the Dream Child ( 1989 kill. [ 48 ] and fled into hyperspace and traveled to Jabba 's castle where R2-D2 played holographic! The season 1 premiere he blew up three more TIE-Fighters, so that & # x27 ; have! To obtain a technical layout of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Number! Rancor pit you have fixed an issue, you may not recognize because. Set Upon by a gang of Tusken Raiders season Four was tame compared other!, Bridger demanded that Tua 's droids be sent to the Senate 's break, Amidala to... The late Senator Amidala about corruption in the Clone Wars, R2-D2 was a moon in the droid #. Passage if Luke handed over his lightsaber as payment, which lay in the droid managed to aboard. Merrik was killed by gas bombs fired from LAAT gunships explained that he could ensure passage Luke... A knack for convincing others to fight the Jedi Han, and Chewbacca as they through..., although the voyage fried the hyperdrive they boarded Han Solo 's ship and Imperial boarded! Alliance r2d2 kill count in stealing the plans for the Rebellion while C-3PO became Jabba 's sail Khetanna. And took on the mission and 3-PO was just.standing there R2-D2 and the Big Hay-Zu and were picked up their...
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