COMCDTF Commander, Civil Disturbance Task Force DAEO Designated Agency Ethics Officer 2) Insurance Services Office 318 ( 5161) Audits and Investigations 2) Remote Sensing OPPRED Operation Predator BZPP Buffer Zone Protection Plan CGEOC Canadian Government Emergency Operations Center ERDEC Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center VISN Veterans Integrated Services Network CATEGORY E Buildings and Contents JTF-CM Joint Task Force - Consequence Management DWI 1) Disaster Welfare Information (or Inquiry) NIH National Institutes of Health GMF Government Master File CI Critical Infrastructure AIATP Antiterrorism Intelligence Awareness Training Program FSS 1) Family Support Services SENTRI Secure Electronic Network for Traveler's Rapid Inspection (Fast inspection lanes at border; Program which allows low-risk travelers to enter through a dedicated lane at the U.S./Mexico border with minimal or no delay) SITSTAT Situation Status FPL Florida Power & Light ISIP Initial Strategy Implementation Plan SOR Statement of Requirement CSTARC Cyber Security Tracking, Analysis, & Response Center 2) National Security Council PS Program Support WEM Workshop in Emergency Management BL Bill of Lading 4) Associated Press ROSS Resource Ordering and Status System NE 1) Northeast 3) Environmental Officer IVD Interactive Video Disk AAPA American Association of Port Authorities EPZ Emergency Planning Zone 4) Approval Authority 3) Computer Emergency Recovery Team SMMA Standard Mitigation Measures Agreement NFIB National Foreign Intelligence Board TRICS Telephone-to-Radio Interface Communications System LR-BSDS Long Range Biological Standoff Detection System 2) Unified Command Post NSI 1) National Security Information ERSAC Emergency Response Senior Advisory Committee NFES National Fire Equipment System RSU Response Support Unit PUBLIC ASSISTANCE OCHAMPUS Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services LM Logistics Management CED Committee for Economic Development IHD Intense Hurricane Day RMT Radiological Monitoring Team FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air (as in filters) JHAT Joint Hazardous Assessment Team R.I.C.E. BSA 1) Base Support Area TSCC Transportation Security Command Center (affiliated with BTS) WIFLE Women in Federal Law Enforcement ICCB Intergovernmental Consultation and Coordination Board(s) DFOM Disaster Field Operations Management 3) Tropical Storm HMIX Hazardous Materials Information Exchange CDX Control and Direction Exercise NPP Nuclear Power Plant CINDI 1) Center for Integration of Natural Disaster Information CEMP Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan DSR Damage Survey Report 2) Scientific and Technical Analysis and Response Team RBAC Role-Based Access Control BCMC Board for the Coordination of Model Codes New FEMA report summarizes state of national preparedness The report summarizes the state of national preparedness to help support U.S. emergency managers and whole-community partners in decisionmaking about program priorities, resource allocations and community actions. UMCA Umatilla Chemical Activity DMRS Data Management and Retrieval System IDPP Infectious Disease Prevention Program OPS 1) Office of Pipeline Safety LEH Light Enforcement Helicopter 6) Purchase Order ISVB Imagery Science Validation Board FIRESAT Fire-Detection Satellite System (previously known as the Integrated Hazard Information System) 2) Military Police Click to reveal JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan TEEX Texas Engineering Extension Service CIAETP Criminal Investigation in Automated Equipment Training Program SCATANA Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids The action you just performed triggered the security solution. 315 ( 5158) Availability of Materials EO/IR Electro Optical/Infrared FIDLER Field Instrument for the Detection of Low Energy Radiation POA Point of Arrival LOSA Logistical Operations Staging Area TMI Three Mile Island (Nuclear Power Plant) INF 1) Infrastructure RDC Regional Disaster Coordinator 4) Automated Manifest System AVC Alaska Volcano Center MOX Mixed-Oxide Fuels FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act ft/min feet per minute ATD Actual Time of Departure GPL 1) General Population Level RSTA Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisitions (photo/John M. Buckman III) Several key . DAC 1) Disaster Application/Assistance Center 4) Public Affairs SUMA Supply Management ISPAG Information Systems Policy Advisory Group 2) Personal Property FADED GIANT Nuclear reactor radiological incident/ accident SDLO Senior Disaster Logistics Official/Officer NORTHCOM (United States) Northern Command 2) Limited English Proficiency Acronyms ACI/NA Airports Council International--North America SWC Severe Weather Center AMT Amount 2) Library of Congress 3) International Port Security CHECK 21 Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act FAS 1) Foreign Agricultural Service The primary purpose of your job position is to provide each of your assigned patients with routine daily nursing care and services in accordance with the patient's assessment and care plan, and as may be directed by your supervisors. DHCD Department of Housing and Community Development ODBC Open Database Connectivity 2) Mental Health ADD Automated Deployment Database TIPS Terrorist Information and Prevention System TSP 1) Telecommunications Service Priority DULL SWORD Nuclear safety deficiency BWC Biological Weapons Convention SES Senior Executive Service WARNO Warning Order NEET National Exercise Evaluation Team ROTHR Relocateable Over the Horizon Radar STARTEAM Specialized Target Area Registration Team NPSTC National Public Safety Telecommunications Council HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response MA 1) Marshalling Area 2) Airports Council International 3) District of Columbia COMSEC Communications Security LOC 1) Letter of Credit CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering OTE or OT&E Operational Test and Evaluation 2) Community Based Organization(s) NFFE National Federation of Federal Employees ARCHIE Automated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation SBIR Small Business Innovation Research JI Johnston Island NISE National Intelligence Support Element NNOB National Network Operations Branch EPS Encapsulated PostScript FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative 2) Domain Name Server HEW Health, Education, and Welfare 2) Chief of Mission 2) Information Technology Coordinator 2) Administrative Officer 2) Programmatic Agreement AHCC Alternate Host Communications Center MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act National Plan for Telecommunications Support in Non-Wartime Emergencies MO 1) Medical Officer AOIC Acting Official in Charge UV Ultraviolet ASD 1) Allowable Stress Design OTBE Overtaken by events Entries known to be obsolete are included because they may still appear in extant publications and correspondence. LDR Lutheran Disaster Response NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program ECT 1) Emergency Coordinating Team EXORD Execution Order kg kilogram ASL 1) Above Sea Level LULC Land Use and Land Cover FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act 5) Cooperating Agency ACFM Advanced Certified Floodplain Manager CAO 1) Caribbean Area Office COOP Continuity of Operations FIRM-DLG Flood Insurance Rate Map-Digital Line Graph SOB Souls On Board TH 1) Temporary Housing SSI Supplemental Security Income PLSS [United States]Public Land Survey System NIP National Immunization Program VA 1) Vulnerability Assessment 2) Evacuation Time Estimate AECE Aeromedical Evacuation Control Element RMA Risk Management Agency FSE Full-Scale Exercise 2) National Location Code MSFCMA Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act CINCAMC Commander-in-Chief, Air Mobility Command DO 1) Digital Orthophoto 2) Computer-Aided Instruction 2) Environmental Response Team 5) Atomic Absorption CBRT Chemical-Biological Response Team USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command 3) Hurricane Program REO Regional Environmental Officer 2) Light Enforcement Aircraft SWS Severe Weather Statement 3) Intrusion Detection System PRER Peacetime Radiological Emergency Response NCSL National Council of State Legislators IBT International Brotherhood of Teamsters -- Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center-- Crisis and Emergency Risk . 2) Personal Communications Service PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion UCP 1) Unified Command Plan TCC 1) Telecommunications Center 2) Director's Executive Council ASPRS American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2) Civil Engineer 2) Automatic Route Selection RRCC Regional Response Coordination Center (replacing ROC) Hdbks Handbooks SPDC Small Business Development Center SERL II Primary event requiring local resource augmentation and limited predeployment of US Government assets NACI National Agency Check with Inquiries ETOC Emergency Tactical Operations Center CTOTF Counter-Terrorism Operations Training Facility LMDC Lower Manhattan Development Corporation 2) Air Combat Command NIFCC National Interagency Fire Coordination Center GS 1) General Schedule ERT-N-NCR National Emergency Response Team for the National Capital Region SRFX Service Response Force Exercise 2) Federal Aviation Regulations CNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 2) Design Basis Accident INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group BIWG Bilateral Interdiction Working Group RX 1) Prescribed (fire) QTF Quantitative Temperature Forecast FONSI Finding Of No Significant Impact JIACG Joint Interagency Coordination Group WESTPAC Western Pacific JECG Joint Exercise Control Group USFA United States Fire Administration ANFO Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil NRCC 1) National Response Coordination Center ASDSO Association of State Dam Safety Officials 2) National Operations Center GCO Grant Coordinating Officer SDWIS Safe Drinking Water Information System 2) Asynchronous Transfer Mode Suggest. APR 1) Agency Procurement Review CBRS 1) Coastal Barrier Resources System UN United Nations (foreign, affiliated with EPR, OIA) Community Housing & Amenities. IPIA Improper Payments Information Act cc cubic centimeter PO 1) Personnel Office HSARPA Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency JFO Joint Field Office AV 1) Air Vehicle There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. PAZ Protective Action Zone LSV Logistical Staging Vehicle DCCC Defense Collection Coordination Center USACDA US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency LD Lethal Dose 2) Radiological VGA Video Graphics Adapter Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. CBD Chemical and Biological Defense SOFA Status of Forces Agreement BGCA Blue Grass Chemical Activity Or download the document from the Web: 2) Emergency Coordinator ESP 1) Early Site Permit USA-ITA U.S. Association for Importers of Textiles and Apparel (private sector association, affiliated with BTS/CBP) 2) Iodine Exposure Intensity 3) Free Of Charge AWOL Absent Without Leave ICWW Intracoastal Waterway 2) Consultation Coordination Officer FSSA Flight School Security Awareness UASI Urban Area Security Initiative 2) Recovery Center OCGFC Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims ICPS Integrated Card Production System VIG Vaccinia Immuno Globulin NIFC National Interagency Fire Center CLO Congressional Liaison Officer FRSSB Facilities Radiological Safety and Safeguards Branch AMC 1) Air Mobility Command PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique PA&E Program Analysis and Evaluation AIR Applied Insurance Research NRIMC National Resources Information and Mapping Center APRSAC Academe and Policy Research Advisory Committee IAFIS Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System OASH/OEP Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health / Office of Emergency Preparedness 3) Geo-Stationary RD 1) Regional Director MAST Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act 2) Executive Office of the President BLS Basic Life Support SOS Status of Studies AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network (obsolete; see DSN) TSAC Towing Safety Advisory Committee QRS Quick Response System SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea 3) Associate Director 3) Annual Letter of Certification PROTECT Program for Response Options and Technology Enhancements for Chemical/Biological Terrorism 2) Rural Electrification Administration IRAC Interagency Radiological Assistance Committee NSAC Navigation Safety Advisory Council UBC Uniform Building Code NNEC National Network Emergency Center NIMCAST National Incident Management Compliance Assurance Tool These positions are located at DDS/Metro Region Group Homes operated by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services. IEMIS Integrated Emergency Management Information System FIAB Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board SECDHS Secretary, Department of Homeland Security EPLO Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager USDOI United States Department of the Interior PRS Primary Receiving Site 2) House of Representatives MAC 1) Mapping & Analysis Center 2) Public Law (also abbreviated as P.L.) FAR 1) Federal Acquisition Regulation MTA Material Transfer Area 2) White House NIMTO Not In My Term of Office ASR Aquifer Storage Recovery SICG Senior Interagency Coordination Group List of Acronyms SLG 101: Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning (9/96) page ACR-3 OSC OSHA PA PAZ PBA On-Scene Coordinator U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration public address Protective Action Zone 3) Receive-Only OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe NIF 1) National Ignition Facility TSAR Transportation Security Administration Representative GSACR GSA Communications Representative RER Record of Environmental Review ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is in the process of being restored to provide a 100-year or greater level of flood protection MAGIC Mid-America GIS Council 2) Disaster Communications Equipment SATO Scheduled Airline Ticket Office CIFFC Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre Exercise emergency authority to stop and prevent unsafe acts. CENTPAC Central Pacific FBN Federal Base Network DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency EDE Effective Dose Equivalent Communicates with the medical staff, nursing personnel, and other department supervisors. 18 Jan. 2023. BERD Blocked Erosion Rate Database 7) International Affairs (see OIA) 2) Weapon(s) of Mass Destruction ODEM Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management ABNCP Airborne Command Post 2) Federal Executive Branch IMAC Infrastructure Monitoring, Analysis, and Coordination RAID 1) Rapid Assessment and Initial Detection UVI Ultraviolet Index FOSC Federal On-Scene Coordinator RO 1) Radiological Officer RCS 1) Reports Control System WORM Write Once - Read Many (CD-ROM Drive) TLC-C Territory Logistics Center- Central Employment Type: Full Time Clearance Requirements: N/A FLSA Status: Exempt (Salary) Eligible for Remote Work: No. EFT Electronic Funds Transfer NTSB National Transportation Safety Board PHS Public Health Service 2) FEMA Switched Network NAP Nuclear Assessment Program Our 'Attic' has 75 unverified meanings for FEMA Acronym Finder has 10 verified definitions for FEMA Tweet Link/Page Citation Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? ARIP Accidental Release Information Program NBSAC National Boating Safety Advisory Council HSUS The Humane Society of the United States 401 ( 5170) Procedure for Declaration ECWAG Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile IFTP Internet Forensic Training Program BAER Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (Team) With over 60 Long Term Acute Care and Rehabilitation hospitals and 18 Outpatient Clinics currently in operation across the country, we are proud to offer services including comprehensive wound . MCR Military Communications Representative D2Puff An Army computer dispersion modeling capability that can factor in terrain and wind changes BRT Business Round Table 3) Remedial Action Manager OCTEL Operations Center Telephone POI 1) Plan of Instruction AAAE American Association of Airport Executives SIED Special Improvised Explosive Device NASCDD National Association of State Civil Defense Directors MAREP Marine Report SART State Animal Response Team 2) Proliferation Security Initiative 3) Presidential Reserve Call-up RAAW Request for Allocation Advice Worksheet 2) Aviation Security Program NDW Naval District of Washington 2) New England mR/h milliRoentgen per hour AL Applicant Liaison 3) Resource Allocation Decision NFI National Flood Insurance MEOW Maximum Envelope of Water (or Winds) RASCAL Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis ROS Response Operating System counterpart number in parenthesis) DEW Distant Early Warning HSAS Homeland Security Advisory System GFE Government-Furnished Equipment ZONE C Area determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain Light metal buildings are normally one-story, pre-engineered buildings sheathed with metal siding and roofing. AIS 1) Automated Information System(s) FEMA NATIONAL US&R RESPONSE SYSTEM STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE TECHNICIAN 02-00 MODULE 1b - SAFETY SM 1B 4 SAFETY PLANNING The multi-hazard safety plan is a guide to the basic elements of safety for a variety of incidents. 2) Power Soft Report 2) Restricted Data 2) Response & Recovery (also R&R) WSSPC Western States Seismic Policy Council CINCNORAD Commander-in-Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command MAAD Mobile Asset Activities Document 2) Original Classification Authority CLS Central Locator System 2) Logistics Information Management System FPF Federal Policy Fee I&W Indications and Warning LODR Letter of Determination Review DLS Disaster Legal Services This course is a prerequisite for E-0279 . LRU Lowest Replaceable Unit NEEP National Earthquake Education Program VDEM Virginia Department of Emergency Management 3) Rural Housing Agency AFRCC Air Force Rescue Coordination Center NACS NEMIS Access Control System NEIS National Earthquake Information Service DUS Deputy Under Secretary CCSL Command and Control Simulation Lab JCAH Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals ASTS Aeromedical Staging Squadron CINCPAC Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command 2) Clean Water Act 320 ( 5163) Limitation on Use of Sliding Scales ASP 1) Active Server Page(s) 2) Project Number The Complete Guide to Nursing Abbreviations and Acronyms | Mennonite College of Nursing - Illinois State Learn about our nursing programs RN-to-BSN MSN - Nursing Systems Administration MSN - Family Nurse Practitioner MSN - School Nurse Certificate Doctor of Nursing Practice Ph.D. in Nursing MCN's Complete Guide to Nursing Abbreviations and Acronyms 2) American Sign Language UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle 2) Regional Climate Center 2) Integrated Exploitation Capability DASC Disaster Assistance Support Center ECG 1) Emergency Coordination Group 2) Public Broadcasting System ART Awards Review Team LERT Logistics Emergency Response Team 3) Reactor TRADE Training Resources And Data Exchange 325 ( 5165c) Public Notice, Comment, and Consultation Requirements DONAT Donation(s) 2) Alert and Notification (see also A/N) COG 1) Continuity of Government TFCC Task Force Control Center AGCR Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor L Locality IBDS Integrated Biological Detection System ZECP Zone Emergency Communications Planner LSS 1) Laboratory Scientific Services ICISF International Critical Incident Stress Foundation EMSSA Emergency Medical Services System Act MATRIX Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange DIA Defense Intelligence Agency FACNET Federal Acquisition Network OPSEC Operations/Operational Security ARRL American Radio Relay League NAVAID Navigational Aid SPIRIT Security, Planning, and Integrated Resources for Information Technology TISP The Infrastructure Security Partnership JIOC Joint Investigative Operations Center 6) Internet Service Provider OJP Office of Justice Programs EOT Emergency Operations Team The focus is on flooding situations with minimal wave action. ITSH Internal Transport, Storage, and Handling Most popular Rehab abbreviations updated in December 2022. Rehabilitation Abbreviations Browse 1,195 acronyms and abbreviations related to the Rehabilitation terminology and jargon. APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation MPS Mission Planning System ASAP 1) As Soon As Possible CENL Chemical Event Notification Level ETD 1) Estimated Time of Departure ASIS American Society for Industrial Security AM 1) Amplitude Modulation CBRA Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 (also see COBRA) 2) Pressurized Ion Chamber NIMG National Interagency Mobilization Guide DDRM Deputy Disaster Recovery Manager 2) Prescription (medical) 3) Special Access Required IIT Incident Investigation Team MRA Mortgage and Rental Assistance BPS Bits Per Second EMRT Emergency Medical Response Team 2) Air-Purifying Respirator NCLIS National Commission on Libraries and Information Science FMAP 1) Fire Management Assistance Program NSRS National Spatial Reference System EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance 2) Disaster Resistant Universities ATCO Airtanker Coordinator LEOC Local Emergency Operations Center DMAT Disaster Medical Assistance Team Kb Kilobit MINICAM Miniature Chemical Agent Monitor Rehabilitation and Inspection Program : HMA : Hazard Mitigation Assistance : NOAA : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : ROW : 2) Search and Rescue DODD Department of Defense Directive PMA President's Management Agenda MKT Mobile Kitchen Trailer CNN Cable News Network TSN Trade Support Network IGPT Interagency Geospatial Preparedness Team PRIME POWER USACE Engineer Battalion EXB Export-Import Bank DOS 1) Department of State ESF 05 Emergency Management 2) Categorical Exclusion BAND Bio-agent Autonomous Networked Detectors CFGDP Crash Feed Grain Donation Program DFAS Defense Financial Accounting Service HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse INRP Initial National Response Plan DSEC Deputy Secretary LOG Logistics GAMA General Aviation Manufacturers Association SITREP Situation Report SAM Surface to Air Missile (affiliated with BTS/TSA) Flood certifications for an NHD Report are determined by FEMA the Federal Emergency Management Agency. HEC Hydrologic Engineering Center DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb642bfa827cb6 USACDRA United States Army Chemical Demilitarization and Remediation Activity DAST Disaster Assessment Survey Team DHA Disaster Housing Assistance ERPS Effluents Radiation Protection Section CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff IATBOG Interagency Airtankers Base Operations Guide SAT 1) Satellite JICPAC Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific ARSOF Army Special Operations Forces ELO Environmental Liaison Officer ERP 1) Elevation Reference Point 3) Extent of Play JAC Joint Advisory Committee 5) Public Assistance 418 ( 5185) Emergency Communications ACAA Air Carrier Association for Americans EAD 1) Employment Authorization Document Review and approve the Medical Plan. 2) Ante Meridiem 2) Information Processing System AAER Average Annual Erosion Rate RCT Response Coordination Team RAMTAR Radiological Material Transportation Accident Response SLE State and Local Exercise POV Personal/Privately Owned Vehicle E 911 Enhanced 9-1-1 EWAC Emergency Worker and Assistance Center TIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference (System) 2) Training Aids for Dam Safety CCR Central Contractor Registration ( With over 44 Long Term Acute Care and Rehabilitation hospitals and 16 Outpatient Clinics currently in operation across . RDTE Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Comprehensive Overview of Nursing and Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation Care of the Stroke Patient: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. OTAN Organisation du Trait de l'Atlantlique Nord (NATO) Performance & security by Cloudflare. DMORT Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Services HUB Historically Underutilized Business AOV Agency Owned Vehicle ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 2) Community Services Administration SST 1) Safe Secure Transport JRERP Joint Radiological Emergency Response Plan GPS Global Positioning System GBL Government/General Bill of Lading 2) Medical Doctor NOC 1) National Olympic Committee GST Ground Support Team 3) Mobility Control Center 3) Federal Resource Coordinator RPG Response Planning Guide FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency [ESF-5] 2) Automated Inventory Management System SBA 1) Shared Border Accord JTR Joint Travel Regulations WFU Wildland Fire Use DCAS Document Control and Accountability System PNR Passenger Name Record POC Point of Contact Download our glossary. 2) External Data Request 3) Joint Intelligence Center DFTO Disaster Field Training Office (or Organization) 2) The Adjutant General ARCA Area Requiring Corrective Action FPC 1) Federal Power Commission NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization CARAT Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training MAFFS Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System Sort. 2) Life Support Center CICAD Center for Intelligence Collection Analysis and Dissemination 2) Low Frequency EWRI Environmental and Water Resources Institute ERS 1) Emergency Relocation Site W watt DBA 1) Database Administrator IVHHN International Volcanic Health Hazard Network PANYNJ Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 8) Corrective Action Program DMS Dispatch Messaging System CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance CEB Contractor Evaluation Board DCX Direction and Control Exercise SARS 1) Security Activities Reporting System NVFC National Volunteer Fire Council 2) Transition Planning Office WHS Washington Headquarters Services HITRON Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron CHARM Complex Hazardous Release Model TCD Tropical Cyclone Discussion 2) Incident Crisis Unit Cloudflare Ray ID: 78bb64ce4cedefce APOE Aerial Port of Embarkation FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration NFR Notice of Finding and Recommendation AEA American Economic Association MTSP Mass Transit Security Program ISIS Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System MMC Main Media Center FF Firefighter 2) Unified Command NFIF National Flood Insurance Fund NVTSA Night Vision Technology Safety Act CGFAA Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act MSL Mean Sea Level AWS Alternate Work Schedule 2) Fire Corps (Citizen Corps Program Partner administered by USFA) PDD Presidential Decision Directive AWIPS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System PM 1) Postmaster ULP Unfair Labor Practice HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ARNGOPS Army National Guard Operations AIT Aeromedical Isolation Team STARTEX Start of Exercise 3) Disaster Communication Agreement IBC International Broadcast Center For more information and training on nationwide recognized acronyms and terms go to the National Response Framework website. SDP 1) Secretarial Development Program 2) National Governor's Association 2) Nevada Test Site ABCO Automated Billing & Collection Offsets PEOC President's Emergency Operations Center SEMO State Emergency Management Office 2) Remedial Investigation NII 1) National Information Infrastructure 2) Critical Incident Management Support NCSSA National Cartographic Standards for Spatial Accuracy Zeni et al., 2010: Knee OA (120 . FNF Fixed Nuclear Facility(ies) ALPA Airline Pilots Association LOCA Loss-Of-Coolant Accident PM Power Mobility. DOH Department of Health AMB Air & Marine Branch DCP Development Concept Plan 2) Movement Coordination Function