Alternatively, in the court's discretion, all directions of the court and stipulations of counsel may be recorded by a reporter. The Coordinating Justice, sua sponteor upon motion by any party, may terminate coordination, in whole or in part, if the Justice determines that coordination has been completed or that the purposes of this section can be best advanced by termination of the coordination. (a) Interrogatories are limited to 25 in number, including subparts, unless another limit is specified in the preliminary conference order. 202.64 Election Law proceedings Correspondence sent by fax should not be followed by hard copy unless requested. (1) Except in a matrimonial action, or a proceeding in surrogate's court, or a proceeding pursuant to article 81 of the mental hygiene law, or as otherwise provided by rule or law or court order, and whether or not a sealing order is or has been sought, the parties shall omit or redact confidential personal information in papers submitted to the court for filing. including depositions, are both proportional and reasonable in light of the Prior to Trial, counsel shall confer in a good faith effort to identify matters not in contention, resolve disputed questions without need for court intervention and further discuss settlement of the case. (ii) With respect to property not in the custody of the court, possession having been acquired by the secured creditor, judgment creditor or lienor, the assignee may, upon notice to the adverse party, apply to the court where such assignment proceedings are pending to enjoin any prospective sale and to permit the assignee to conduct the sale, whether private or a public auction, upon such terms and conditions as in its discretion will not prejudice the interest of the secured party and yet preserve the interest of the assigned estate by affording the assignee an opportunity to liquidate the assets under the most favorable terms and conditions. The face of the envelope also shall contain, in the form of a return address, the appropriate address of the clerk's office to which the defendant should be directed. Counsel shall separately identify for the court only a list of the witnesses who may becalled solely for rebuttal or with regard to credibility. (4) Where parties are represented by counsel, only attorneys fully familiar with the action and authorized to make binding stipulations or commitments, or accompanied by a person empowered to act on behalf of the party represented, shall appear at the conference. Parties shall meet and confer at the outset of the case, and from time to time thereafter, to discuss the scope of the privilege review, the amount of information to be set out in the privilege log, the use of categories to reduce document-by-document logging, whether any categories of information may be excluded from the logging requirement, and any other issues pertinent to privilege review, including the entry of an appropriate non-waiver order. (b) Forms. Any party claiming a preference under CPLR 3403(7) may apply to the court in the manner prescribed by that section. The NYSCEF site shall be considered to be subject to a technical failure on a given day if the site is unable to accept filings or provide access to filed documents continuously or intermittently over the course of any period of time greater than one hour after 12:00 noon of that day. (1) Within 90 days following service of the complaint, any party may seek assignment of a case to the Commercial Division by filing a Request for Judicial Intervention (RJI) that attaches a completed Commercial Division RJI Addendum certifying that the case meets the jurisdictional requirements for Commercial Division assignment set forth in subdivisions (a), (b) and (c) of this section. Unless otherwise authorized by the Chief Administrator, the filing of a request for judicial intervention pursuant to this section shall cause the assignment of the action to a judge pursuant to section 202.3 of this Part. The following procedure shall apply in those parts of the Commercial Division where the justice presiding so elects: (a) For all commercial cases that warrant the entry of a confidentiality order, the parties shall submit to the Court for signature the proposed stipulation and order that appears in Appendix B to these Rules of the Commercial Division. 202.1 Application of Part; waiver; additional rules; . (e) For the purposes of subsection (a)(2) of this Rule, the deposition of an entity shall be treated as a single deposition even though more than one person may be designated to testify on the entitys behalf. A party may serve such documents electronically by filing them with the NYSCEF site and thus causing transmission by the site of notification of receipt of the documents, which shall constitute service thereof by the filer. Amended (1)(b), (1)(c), and added (1)(c)(6) & (1)(c)(7) on Dec. 4, 2012. demand has not been made for arbitration. MSC is mandatory for all cases in the Commercial Division unless the assigned justice to the case, for good cause shown, exempts the case from MSC under this Rule. The court shall schedule a compliance conference unless the court dispenses with the conference based upon a stipulation of compliance filed by the parties. If there is no such part, petitions shall be returnable before the judge is assigned. In cases with multiple plaintiffs and/or defendants, peremptory challenges shall be exercised by counsel in the order in which the parties' names appear in the caption, unless following that order would, in the opinion of the court, unduly favor a side. (iii) Complex--discovery to be completed within 15 months. WebJudicial Assignments & Locations. Part 30 (4) After challenges for cause are exercised, the number of prospective jurors remaining shall be counted. The Panel shall provide notice and an opportunity to be heard to all parties to the actions sought to be coordinated and shall inform the justices before whom such actions are pending of the initiation of proceedings before the Panel. All applications to the court after a certificate of registration of title has been issued under the provisions of the law must be made at the appropriate part or before the appropriate assigned judge hereinbefore designated upon 20 days's notice to all persons interested in the said application. filed Feb. 16, 1988 eff. (1) "Chief Administrator of the Courts" in this Part also includes a designee of the Chief Administrator. (e) The term "referee" in this section shall include, but not be limited to, commissioners of appraisal, and shall not include receivers or referees in incompetency proceedings or mortgage foreclosure proceedings. In such cases, the matter shall be marked settled subject to written consent of the insuring body, or the entry of an order pursuant to subdivision 5 of section 29 of the Workers' Compensation Law. (2) prior to the conclusion of the conference, all resolutions shall be dictated into the record, and either the transcript shall be submitted to the court to be "so ordered," or the court shall otherwise enter an order incorporating the resolutions reached. For example, the failure to appear (or the appearance without proper preparation) at scheduled court dates, depositions or hearings is generally viewed as highly improper in the Commercial Division, and can readily result in the imposition of sanctions and penalties as permitted under statute and court rule (see, e.g., CPLR 3126; see also 22 NYCRR Part 130). (3) Within 10 days of filing the petition with the County Clerk, the petitioner shall send by mail, a copy of the petition to: (i) the clerk of the assessing unit named in the petition or, if there is no such clerk, to the officer who performs the customary duties of the clerk, except that in the City of New York the petition shall be mailed to the president of the New York City Tax Commission or to a designee of the president; (ii) except in the cities of Buffalo, New York, Rochester, Syracuse and Yonkers, to the clerk of any school district within which any part of the real property on which the assessment to be reviewed is located or, if there is no clerk of the school district or such name and address cannot be obtained, to a trustee of the school district; (iii) the treasurer of any county in which any part of the real property is located; and. This section shall be applicable to all contested matrimonial actions and proceedings in Supreme Court authorized by subdivision (2) of Part B of section 236 of the Domestic Relations Law. v. public access to remote proceedings. This section shall apply to every tax assessment review proceeding brought pursuant to title 1 of Article 7 of the real Property Tax Law in a county within the City of New York. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amds. A consumer credit transaction does not include debt incurred in connection with, among others, medical services, student loans, auto loans or retail installment contracts. (e) Applications for approval of an infant's or incapacitated person's compromise shall be made returnable before the judge who presided over the compromise or, where the agreement was reached out-of-court, before the appropriate assigned judge. The notice must be signed by both the attorney of record and the trial counsel. The director shall submit to the court for its consideration such papers as the director may deem appropriate. (2) Proposed counter-orders or judgments shall be made returnable on the same date and at the same place, and shall be served on all parties by personal service, not less than two days, or by mail, not less than seven days, before the date of settlement. Section 202.20-b Limitations on Depositions. 202.8 Motion procedure If all parties sign the form and return it to the court before the scheduled preliminary conference, such form shall be "so ordered" by the court, and, unless the court orders otherwise, the scheduled preliminary conference shall be cancelled. (g) Advertising by Hearing Officers. (a) Any complainant, respondent or other person aggrieved by any order of the State Commissioner of Human Rights or the State Division of Human Rights may obtain judicial review of such order by commencing a special proceeding, within 60 days after service of the order, in the Supreme Court in the county where the alleged discriminatory practice which is the subject of the order occurred or where any person required by the order to cease and desist from an unlawful discriminatory practice or to take other affirmative action resides or transacts business. If you do not respond to the lawsuit, the court may enter a money judgment against you. If all parties have agreed upon the settlement conference track that they prefer, they may file a joint request with a statement of preferred procedure for MSC. Again, the Commission is satisfied that the Amended Motion for Reconsideration does not state any basis on which the Decision and Order was erroneous or unlawful under the Act or regulations. Rule 29. Electronic Filing in Supreme Court; Mandatory Program. Except for an unrepresented litigant, a party served with such a notice shall promptly record his or her consent electronically in the manner provided at the NYSCEF site or file with the court and serve on all parties of record a declination of consent.An unrepresented litigant is exempt from having to file and serve documents electronically in accordance with this section and need not respond to the notice described herein; except that he or she may file a consent to participate in e-filing provided the clerk shall first have explained his or her options for e-filing in plain language, including the option for expedited processing, and inquired whether he or she wishes to participate. (d) For the purposes of this Rule, each deposition of an officer, director, principal or employee of an entity who is also a fact witness, as opposed to an entity representative pursuant to CPLR 3106(d), shall constitute a separate deposition. . after jury disagreement, mistrial or order for new trial (d) Nothing contained herein is intended to conflict with a partys obligation to supplement its disclosure obligations pursuant to CPLR 3101(h). If the court's Part Rules are silent with respect to discovery disputes, the following Rule will apply. The purpose of these sample forum-selection provisions is to offer contracting parties streamlined, convenient tools in expressing their consent to confer jurisdiction on the Commercial Division or to proceed in the federal courts in New York State. v. any of the documents or testimony in a matrimonial action protected by Domestic Relations Law section 235 or evidence sealed by the court in such an action which are attached as exhibits or referenced in the papers filed in any other civil action. (c) Each numbered paragraph in the statement of material facts required to be served by the moving party will be deemed to be admitted for purposes of the motion unless specifically controverted by a correspondingly numbered paragraph in the statement required to be served by the opposing party. The court may in its discretion require any surety to appear and justify. establish their case. (b) In proceedings where more than one parcel is involved, the appraisal reports shall be distributed only to the taking authority and to the claimant or claimants who are owners of parcels which are the subject of the appraisal report. (5) In all original creditor and debt buyer actions, the affidavit of non-expiration of statute of limitations set forth in subsection (e), effective October 1, 2014. No action or proceeding to which this section is applicable shall be deemed ready for trial unless there is compliance with this section by the party filing the note of issue and certificate of readiness. In all actions in which the accounts of a receiver appointed in an action for the dissolution of a corporation are presented for settlement or to be passed upon by the court, a notice or a copy of an advertisement requiring the creditors to present their claims to a referee must be mailed, with the postage thereon prepaid, to each creditor whose name appears on the books of the corporation, at least 20 days before the date specified in such notice or advertisement. All information required by CPLR 3101(d)(1)(i) is attached, a request for such information has not been made. Historical Note Medical reports may consist of completed medical provider, workers' compensation, or insurance forms that provide the information required by this paragraph; (2) duly executed and acknowledged written authorizations permitting all parties to obtain and make copies of all hospital records and such other records, including x-ray and technicians' reports, as may be referred to and identified in the reports of those medical providers who have treated or examined the party seeking recovery. (3) Failure to comply with any order or directive of the court authorized by this subdivision shall be subject to appropriate sanctions. Stipulation Jan. 24, 2002. Sec. Upon the trial, expert witnesses shall be limited in their proof of appraised value to details set forth in their respective appraisal reports. (d) In cases brought before paperless commercial parts, counsel shall submit the pre-trial memoranda, copy of trial exhibits and requests to charge on a USB flash drive. The order shall not provide for attorney's fees in excess of one third of the amount remaining after deduction of the above disbursements unless otherwise specifically authorized by the court. In the event an attorney or party shall file and serve documents in hard copy pursuant to this paragraph, each such document shall include the notice required by paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of this section, and the filer shall file those documents with the NYSCEF site within three business days after restoration of normal operations at that site. (g) Deposition testimony given pursuant to this Rule shall be usable against the entity on whose behalf the testimony is given to the same extent provided in CPLR 3117(2) and the applicable rules of evidence. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amds. Papers that are stapled or bound securely shall not be rejected for filing simply because they are not bound with a backer of any kind. Rule 11-g. The MSC shall be attended by a person with knowledge of the case and authority to settle the case. 202.44 Motion to confirm or reject judicial hearing officer' s report . Section 202.6 Request for judicial intervention. (d) All appraisals of fixtures submitted on behalf of the claimants and the condemnor for which claim is made shall be filed and distributed as provided by these rules with respect to appraisal reports and shall set forth the appraisal value of each item in the same numerical order as in the inventory annexed to the claim. Section 202.27-a Proof of Default Judgment in Consumer Credit Matters (Uniform Civil Rules for the Supreme Court and the County Court). A note of issue may not be filed until such reports have been filed. (6) removal to a lower court pursuant to CPLR 325, where appropriate; and. Once a trial date is set, counsel shall immediately determine the availability of witnesses. 202.20-h Pre-Trial Memoranda, Exhibit Book and Requests for Jury Instructions. (3) Unless otherwise defined in this Part, or the context otherwise requires, all terms used in this Part shall have the same meaning as they have in the CPLR. (iv) Conversion of pending actions. Scheduling of witnesses. Uniform Civil Rules for the District Courts Part 214. (b) Papers submitted in digital format. There shall be a dedicated part(s) of Supreme Court in each Judicial District which shall be assigned all actions revived pursuant to CPLR 214-g (214-g Part). Si usted no presenta una contestacin, el tribunal puede emitir un fallo monetario en contra suya. (f) In the discretion of the court, failure by a party to comply with the order or transcript resulting from the preliminary conference, or with the so- ordered stipulation provided for in subdivision (b) of this section, or the making of unnecessary or frivolous motions by a party, shall result in the imposition upon such party of costs or such other sanctions as are authorized by law. (2) Compliance with Part 130. plaintiff to revisit the documents to again state, clearly and concisely, the issues (2) Except as otherwise provided hereafter, three copies of the petition shall be filed with the County Clerk in the county in which the property is located within 30 days after the final completion and filing of the assessment roll containing the assessment at issue, except that in the City of New York, the petition shall be filed before the 25th day of October following the time when the determination sought to be reviewed was made. (i) The Panel shall issue a written decision on each application. Unless otherwise permitted by the court: (i) briefs or memoranda of law shall be limited to 7,000 words each; (ii) reply memoranda shall be no more than 4,200 words and shall not contain any arguments that do not respond or relate to those made in the memoranda in chief; (iii) affidavits and affirmations shall be limited to 7,000 words each. (a) Form of Motion Papers. (1) The Court may require that electronically submitted memoranda of law include hyperlinks to cited court decisions, statutes, rules, regulations, treatises, and other legal authorities in either legal research databases to which the Court has access or in state or federal government websites. (c) Call of Calendars. Failure to comply with this rule may be regarded as a default and dealt with appropriately. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amd. (l) Transcription for Appeal. The filing of a consent to e-filing hereunder shall not constitute an appearance in the action under CPLR 320. 1, 2010 (c) Where the plaintiff is the original creditor, the plaintiff must submit the AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR. filed Jan. 9, 1986; amd. (c) The video technology used must enable: i. a party and the partys counsel to communicate confidentially; The use of videotape recordings of depositions at the trial shall be governed by the provisions of the Civil Practice Law and Rules and all other relevant statutes, court rules and decisional law relating to depositions and relating to the admissibility of evidence. (i) Electronic filing required; format of e-filed documents; statement of authorization. Material made accessible by hyperlinking does not thereby become part of the record, and citations to authorities shall appear in standard citation form, even if also hyperlinked. filed: March 25, 1987; Feb. 16, 1988; Nov. 20, 1992; July 20, 1994; Jan. 5, 1998; May 29, 1998; Oct. 15, 2001 eff. Parties which use this sample provision must meet any requirements of applicable law. Part IA-11. Rule 11-e. (2) A copy of any written agreement entered into by the parties relating to financial arrangements or custody or visitation shall be annexed to the statement referred to in paragraph (1) of this subdivision. 202.20-e Adherence to Discovery Schedule. Jan. 1, 1996. Joint Pre-Trial Order. Where an order for relief pursuant to section 503 of Title 11 of the United States Code has been entered, the assignee shall file with the clerk a certified copy of such petition in bankruptcy, together with proof by affidavit on the part of the assignee showing that he has turned over all assets of the assigned estate to the trustee or receiver in bankruptcy. It is the responsibility of each filing user to monitor that address and promptly notify the Resource Center in the event of a change in his or her e-mail service address. Hon. (8) Upon an application made for a notice of filing of his or her account and for a hearing thereon, the assignee shall file with his or her petition his or her account with the vouchers. Any issues with respect to fault, custody and finance that are not specifically described in writing or on the record at that time may not be raised in the action unless good cause is shown. filed Jan. 28, 2002 eff. ___________, Plaintiff ___________________ Defendant _____________, ATTENTION: A lawsuit has been filed against you claiming that you owe money for an unpaid consumer debt. (d) If the notice or subpoena to an entity does identify a particular officer, director, member or employee of the entity, but elects to set forth the matters for examination as contemplated in section (b) of this Rule, then: (4) Form and content of petition. Historical Note (a) Proposed orders or judgments, with proof of service on all parties where the order is directed to be settled or submitted on notice, must be submitted for signature, unless otherwise directed by the court, within 60 days after the signing and filing of the decision directing that the order be settled or submitted. The counsel certifying compliance may rely on the word count of the word-processing system used to prepare the document. (6) The Court shall alert the parties to the requirements of 22 NYCRR 202.20-c regarding requests for documents; 202.20-e regarding adherence to discovery schedule, and 202.20-f regarding discovery disputes, and shall address the issues of potential for default, preclusion, denial of discovery, drawing inferences, or deeming issues to be true, as well as sanctions and/or counsel fees in the event default or preclusion or such other remedies are not appropriate in a matrimonial action. The print size of footnotes shall be no smaller than 10 point. Section 202.62 Payment of eminent domain award to other than the named awardee. Added July 19, 2019 effective July 31, 2019, PART 202. 11. (2) state with reasonable particularity the grounds for any objection to production. Sec. Section 202.20-g Rulings at Disclosure Conferences. Section 202.58 Small claims tax assessment review proceedings; small claims sidewalk assessment review proceedings; special rules. apartment in their request for ancillary relief in the summons with notice or verified The failure of counsel to appear for a conference may result in a sanction authorized by section 130.2.1 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator or section 202.27, including dismissal, the striking of an answer, an inquest or direction for judgment, or other appropriate sanction. Counsel shall separately identify for the court for its consideration such papers the! 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